Beyond Academics
Books can provide theoretical knowledge, but qualities like decision making, courage, team spirit, winning attitude and sportsmanship can develop only through sports. Child builds a confidence that in any situation, his words are “I Can Do It.”
Learning various forms of music & musical instruments
Creating & understanding movement as means of artistic communications
Honing creative ability and developing the right-brain
Giving break from the routine & experiencing more hands on learning
Shaping their ability to interact with digital communications & information
Facilitating student’s skills and attitudes for technical & robotic operations
Rushikul believes that playing is essential part of child’s growth and happiness. Play-time does not affect academic excellence, it is the support. A happy and active child learns everything with interest.
Outdoor Sports
Outdoor sports helps students to perform offensive and defensive skills, cordinate with team players & develop a resilent work ethic.
Indoor Sports & Games
We include games and sports that helps students to improve memory, planning, co-ordination skills & interact with environment in ways other children cannot.
In the enthusiastic and loving environment of Rushikul, students are encouraged to reflect on their own thoughts and actions. Students realize their true potential and transform that potential into reality. For this purpose to start, we at Rushikul put great emphasis on a list of activities.