Ponder on a basic truth:
Evolving is human’s true nature.
It does not require any external force.
There is enough internal craving.
Craving for learning, craving for evolving.
Learning is an inborn Instinct.
Know and believe, a child himself wants to explore new, learn new, progress and evolve through own curiosity and inquisitiveness.
Learning new is in child’s nature.
Learning means ‘understanding’.
Learning means not mugging up or repetitive study. Learning means ‘understanding’ a concept well. So it gets automatically stored in your memory. You can learn (understand) a lot and still be free. You do not have to hold it.
You are free to be free, and free to learn and explore other new things.
In real education, learning becomes as joyful as playing and as natural as breathing.
In such a paradigm, there is no competition, no comparison.
Pressurising children to practice more for exam makes education stressful. What makes education boring is repetitive study, not the learning.
Rushikul focuses on understanding and learning more by children’s own curiosity and inquisitiveness. This approach makes learning more joyful and loving. Rushikul’s priority is to create love for learning. Once it is nurtured – learning will be always fun. This gives birth to a life-long learner, that is real education.